
How to Filter Comments on TikTok?

How to Filter Comments on TikTok?

Like any other social media platform. TikTok also has a feature where users can comment on videos. Sometimes, the comments are full of praise. Other times, it is not! What do these comments have instead? Well, it is all negativity and hate speech that is not appreciated by those who have posted videos. Also having such bad comments with vulgar language will also affect your online presence. As this is adding negativity to the community that is not acceptable for a positive surrounding.

If you think that there is an issue in your content that is causing people to comment with bad words on your videos. Try changing the context of your videos and don’t forget to follow the guidelines of the platform. After changing the strategies and context of your videos if the issue remains there. Then it's time to focus on removing the comments that are causing issues. Below is the importance of comments that will help you understand why removing all comments is not a good approach.

Importance of Comments

At the same time, we know the worth of these comments, right? These are the sources of bringing traction, ranking your TikTok videos, increasing visibility and reach; etc. You cannot turn off comments for all videos just because of such people who are looking to spread hate among each other on social media. Also, this will affect the growth of your profile, and eventually, your brand will not get the reach it needs. If you turn off the comment section no one would be able to give their suggestions, and reviews and pass positive remarks. Comments on TikTok are appreciated for several other reasons.

For example, it helps in interacting with the audience, knowing the preferences of potential buyers, and helping in getting viral. This can cause problems while creating content because you wouldn’t be able to know your targeted audience and their interests. This will eventually decrease the engagement rate and your video will not get the visibility and reach it deserves. 

However, when it comes to harsh comments, we are left with no option other than to disable comments. The need for filtering or disabling comments becomes necessary for the following reasons.

Options to Choose for Better Engagement on TikTok

So, if someone asks “How to filter comments on TikTok?” there are two options that you can choose from. It is important to let them know about the options so that the person can decide better which option to choose according to his/her preferences.

Option 1: If you keep negative comments on your profile, this will bring more engagement and traffic. But eventually, your brand will get a negative image and people will think there is some issue.

Option 2: Disabling comments will result in not getting engagement, enough reach, and resulting in zero traffic through comments.

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Solution – How to Filter Comments on TikTok?

If you choose the second option which is to remove the comments, we’ll help you find a better way that is to filter comments. Yes, you can filter comments that you think are not appropriate, abusive, or harassing. This will prove to be a better option rather than deleting all comments. In that way engagement rate on your profile will remain stable, also your videos will remain safe from all sorts of negativity.

Solution – Filter Certain Words

There is a feature in TikTok that helps in keeping an eye on negative words. If you are thinking about the purpose of this filter feature. Let us inform you that through filters you can hide certain words. Those words will not appear in the comment.

Now that you know the solution, why not check things closely and learn more about “how to filter comments on TikTok?”